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Zero Crave Rx.

Easily Trim Weight & Curb Food Cravings

Bupropion + Naltrexone ER + Vitamin B12  =  Zero Crave Rx.  Unlock the potential for significant weight management success through advanced craving control and metabolic support.*

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Benefits of Zero Crave Rx Capsules

Enhanced control over food cravings*
Appetite suppression support*
Assistance in managing weight-related health concerns*
Reduce thoughts about food "Food noise"

Note: Capsule may appear different based on the dosage form your physician approves

Zero Crave Rx: The Next-Level Approach to Weight Management

Bupropion + Naltrexone ER + Methylcobalamin = Zero Crave Rx

  • Advanced craving suppression to manage dietary intake*
  • Includes Bupropion, Naltrexone, and Methylcobalamin custom compound formula*
  • Designed to complement diet and exercise for optimal results*
  • Prescription ingredients for effectiveness beyond over-the-counter options

Transparent Pricing

30 DAY SUPPLY $3.30/day
starting at for a month's supply
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How it Works

Initial consultation and medical questionnaire completion

Prescription provided by a healthcare professional, if medically appropriate

Personalized follow-up and adjustment for optimal treatment effectiveness

Zero Crave Rx Pricing

Medication & Active Ingredients
Price (Starting at)
Zero Crave Rx (Bupropion + Naltrexone + B12)
Similar Brand Prescription (Bupropion + Naltrexone)

How it Works

Initial consultation and medical questionnaire completion

Prescription provided by a healthcare professional, if medically appropriate

Personalized follow-up and adjustment for optimal treatment effectiveness

Frequently asked questions

What is Zero Crave Rx?

Zero Crave is a compounded medication that contains the active ingredients Bupropion, Naltrexone, and Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12). This medication is designed to help with weight management and reduce food cravings.* This is considered an off-label medication for weight loss, and it is not FDA-approved.

How does Zero Crave Rx work?

Zero Crave contains Bupropion which is an antidepressant medication that has been shown to decrease appetite. Zero Crave also contains Naltrexone which is an opioid antagonist that may curb hunger and food cravings. Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) is added as a supplement since studies have linked low B12 levels to increased body fat and reduced metabolism. Altogether, people may find that their appetite is reduced and experience fewer food cravings.*

How should I take Zero Crave Rx?

Zero Crave is an oral medication that you take by mouth. Do not split, crush, or open the capsules to use this medication, swallow the capsule whole. Your dosing schedule may vary depending on your tailored prescription plan from your doctor after your consultation. However, the general dosage for Zero Crave is one capsule in the morning for week 1, one capsule in the morning and one capsule at night for week 2, two capsules in the morning and one capsule at night for week 3, and two capsules in the morning and two capsules at night for week 4.

How long does Zero Crave Rx take to work?

When you take Zero Crave to help with weight loss, you may notice weight loss after consistently taking this medication for 4 weeks. However, the most dramatic weight loss may not be seen until about 16 weeks (4 months). Your personal response to Zero Crave may differ from others and can depend on your current health status, your other medications, how much weight you need to lose, and if you combine this medication with a reduced-calorie diet and regular exercise.

How often should I use Zero Crave Rx?

Zero Crave is meant to be used as a once or twice-daily oral medication. The dosage of this medication is typically titrated up over the course of a few weeks. Initially, you may only take Zero Crave once in the morning then work up to taking Zero Crave twice daily – in the morning and in the evening. Depending on your dosing schedule and how long you have been taking Zero Crave, your dosage may be one or two capsules per dose. Consult with your doctor or review the information sent with your medication to figure out your personal dosing schedule and quantity.

What should I tell my doctor before starting Zero Crave Rx?

Before starting Zero Crave, you should let your doctor know your weight, your BMI, and about any weight-related diseases or problems you are currently experiencing (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes). You should also let your doctor know about any health conditions you currently have or have had in the past including: depression, suicidal thoughts, bipolar disorder, uncontrolled high blood pressure, eating disorders, seizures, opioid addiction, heart conditions, kidney disease, liver disease, and alcohol abuse. Your doctor should know about all of the medications and supplements you are taking. Certain medications may interact with Zero Crave or be dangerous to use together. Let your doctor know if you are currently using or have used the following in the recent past: antidiabetic medications, opioid medications, other medications containing Bupropion, other medications containing Naltrexone, MAOI antidepressants, seizure medications, and sedative medications.

What should I avoid while taking Zero Crave Rx?

While you are taking Zero Crave, you should avoid using certain medications and supplements that may interact with this medication. Be sure to review the full safety information for Zero Crave to know the interactions. You should also avoid using medications that contain the same active ingredients as Zero Crave (Bupropion, Naltrexone). Zero Crave may reduce your tolerance to alcohol and can be dangerous to use if you drink a lot. Talk with your doctor about your alcohol use before starting this medication. Taking Zero Crave with a high-fat meal may increase how much Zero Crave gets into your system, and may be dangerous. Avoid taking Zero Crave along with high-fat meals. Avoid becoming pregnant or breastfeeding when using this medication. Zero Crave should not be used in pregnancy or during breastfeeding.

What are the common side effects of Zero Crave Rx?

The most common side effects of Zero Crave may include: Nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, trouble sleeping, anxiety, hot flashes, fatigue, or tremors. These side effects may subside as you continue on the medication, or may be able to be managed with at-home strategies or OTC medications. For a more detailed list of the possible side effects of Zero Crave, including the less common but more serious side effects, look at the patient safety information on our website and the Zero Crave package information.

What are the possible serious side effects of Zero Crave Rx?

The more serious possible side effects of Zero Crave may include: A dangerous increase in your blood pressure or heart rate, seizures, mood or behavior changes, thoughts of hurting yourself, manic episodes, liver problems, or severe skin reactions. If these side effects occur, get medical care immediately. For a more detailed list of the possible side effects of Zero Crave, including the less common but more serious side effects, look at the patient safety information on our website and the Zero Crave package information.

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Reduce food cravings*
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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.